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      [Card News] The direct election process of executive members of KCTU 2023 begins!

      중앙선관위 2023-09-04 00:00 290

      [Card News] The direct election process of executive members of KCTU 2023 begins!

      Direct elections of Chairperson, Senior Vice Chairperson, and Secretary General of KCTU 2023

      Direct elections of Branch Chairpersons, Branch Senior Vice Chairpersons, and Secretary Generals in 16 branches


      The direct election process of executive members of KCTU 2023 begins!


      Schedule of the election

      - Registration of the voters' list: August 28, 2023 (Monday) - September 22, 2023 (Friday)

      - Correction and/or confirmation of voters' list: September 23, 2023 (Saturday) - October 25, 2023 (Wednesday)

      - Candidate registration October 22, 2023 (Sunday) - October 26, 2023 (Thursday)

      - Election dates: November 21, 2023 (Tuesday) - November 27, 2023 (Monday), 7 days



      How to vote


      On-site vote

      - You visit in person to the place noticed by your organization unit and then cast the ballots


      Mobile vote

      - You fill in the ballots in accordance with the instruction sent by a mobile message from KCTU


      ARS vote

      - You fill in the ballots using a phone following the instruction from KCTU


      Email vote

      - You cast your ballots following the instruction sent by KCTU via email


      Mail vote

      - You fill in the ballots sent from KCTU and then return them by mail


      We are collecting phone numbers of all members for confirming your registration in the list, relief for those missing from the list, informing candidates and pledges, and permanent conversion to electronic voting.


      The Central Election Commission of the KCTU collects personal information through legal procedures in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Trade Union Act, and the Election Management Regulations. Phone numbers of any members are protected by a tight security system.



      Voting is a struggle!

      The choice of 1,2000,000 members changes the world


      The regime of Yoon Seok-yeol is over!

      Obtain the world of workers and people!



      KCTU Central Election Commission