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      [Card News] How nice is it if I certify myself at the voters list?!

      중앙선관위 2023-10-05 00:00 164

      How nice is it if I certify myself at the voters list?!

      If you have wondered, ‘Am I registered on the voters list properly’ Then you just check it out now!

      Period of view : Fri, October 6, 2023 - Tue, October 10, 2023

      There are three ways of viewing it

       - The trade union (or unit organization) you have joined will notify you the place and time.

       - Please call the ARS number, 1522-2220 (from 10/8) to certify your registration status on the voters list.

       - Your trade union (or unit organization) will inform you the way to view by texting or email, of via homepage or group chat room.

      You can request to change your information after checking your personal information at the trade union (or unit organization) you have joined!

       - Who can request?

       : A union member who has found that he or she is missed on the list or that a person who is not eligible is registered on the list.

      How to request?

      At the trade union (or unit organization) you have joined, you can request for additional registration, change of the information, and/or deleting a particular voter from the list.

      Voting is a struggle!

      The choice of 1,2000,000 members changes the world

      The regime of Yoon Seok-yeol is over!

      Obtain the world of workers and people!

      KCTU  Central Election Commission