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      [announcement] Catch up with the views and policies of executive candidates

      중앙선관위 2023-10-18 00:00 106

      2023 Simultaneous Elections of Executive Members of KCTU · KCTU Regional HQs

      Ask candidacy teams anything

      Catch up with the views and policies of executive candidates

      Let’s ask the executive candidates who will change the world with our 1.2 million union members anything about you are curious!

      Application form: KCTU Central Election Committee Homepage, or https://bit.ly/후보조알쏭달쏭

      Complete the application form: Please complete what you want to ask the candidates on the application form.

      Submit: Please submit the application form to your industrial union (or federation).

      Question: KCTU Central Election Committee asks all the candidacy teams.

      Forward: We will forward the received answers to the unit organization.

      Post: We will inform union members of the response forms of the candidacy teams that each organization unit received!

      ** It should be posted in a fair way in accordance with Clause 29, KCTU Election Administrative Rule.

      - The received response forms from candidacy teams should be posted as the original without any altering or editing.

      - When you post the received response form from any candidacy teams, such forms should be posted in order of candidacy number.

      ** The responds are also posted on the homepage of KCTU Central Election Committee.

      KCTU Central Election Commission